Sunday, October 14, 2007

a new PR! with some Help.

Finally, a GREAT Day of nice cooler temperatures and lower humidity, a great morning to run and set a new PR. Here's how it went down:

So yesterday was our group TNT run, however, it was changed just a bit to an Honored Cancer Survivor run where all the Houston groups got together for a 10k and then had breakfast taco's afterwards. Everyone met at the West side groups location so there was a little bit of a drive but that's OK as it was new territory to run in and I had heard it was a nice area.

Once there we got the instructions and took off. In my little pack of runners was Geoff, Liz, and Lauren. Well it didn't take long before Geoff decided to Blast off and he was gone, dropping us like a wet dirty rag. Liz stayed with us on and off for a while but she was working through some of the other runners and checking on them. Lauren and I were running and chatting and after making one of the turn around just after 2 miles out we had been running around 9:30/mi pace, which was great! HR was doing good (cooler weather helps JT out big time!) Then we rolled pasted the 4.5 mile mark and the run course changed to a few short but steep hills and so I would attack them hard and then Lauren would fly down the backside of those hills and pass me every time. I just couldn't seem to run that fast down hill. Finally, around 5 miles Lauren asks for the time and distance we're at says,.. WE are finishing this 10k under 60 mins! I say Shit as I recheck the distance and time. At 5 miles we are 50 minsish. So that's means we have to bust a 10min/mile back which wouldn't be that hard but we had already picked it up over those hills and were running like 9's. Well I didn't have too long to think about it because Lauren freakn' took off from the water stop we were just at like crazy yelling Move it!! Let's GO!!

Catching up to her we did the attack the hills back and fly down the hill thingy and at 5.5 miles we we're going to finish right close to 60 mins so we had slowed just a bit and then I said Hey, if we're going to finish right at 60 for this 10k then let's push it and go for 59 mins! And we both kicked the pace back up. Yes, breathing was hard now, HR was in Zone 4 and it was work. As we hit the 6 miles on Garmin time was close.. I started almost sprinting... Come on Lauren we only have like 30 seconds let's GO!! (not really but wanted to make her run faster, hehe) As that down hill came, she freakn` fly by me!! and I was running faster down that hill than any of the others and as we hit the flat it was 6.2 miles! Time: 58:47! BoohYAAAA! We BOTH PR'd!!!!!!!!!!
We both High 5'd and was like...shit, we just ran a 10k in under 59 mins.. neither one of us have done that before! I was able to knock it out with Lauren and at a TNT run! SWEET! So a Big Thank You to Lauren for pushing the pace and looking to break that record as I had not even thought about it till mile 5 when you mentioned it, it was well worth it!
In other news, got an OWS in at Twin Lakes on Friday with Liz and crankd out 1500 meters in about 36 mins with the wetsuit. not bad but not the best.

Also yesterday was the Hawaii Ironman so Liz had a party at her house and a few others came over so it was great to see some people from the triathlon training group I had not seen in a while. Despite the technical problems just at the start of the bike course and missing Norman S. throwing up on the side of the road.. I say it was a pretty good. Weird how a lot of the pros were out on this race and I hope people don't start saying.. Well Chris Mac won but he wasn't racing against Norman or Ferris...blah blah blah.. Chris played a smart race and stayed just within the lead pack on the bike and the run is where he crancked it out. He's paid his dues there and even though he talks shit.. he Won and it was his time! Good Job! Maybe next year Mr. Puker.
Today, mostly rest after a few 6 too many beers, ha! Might get another swim in as I think Geoff is heading to the lake today. Other than that, go pick up Dino from the bike shop.


Andra Sue said...

Congrats!!! That is an awesome time for 10k. :)

Bigun said...

good run...come on down to Florida and we'll really push the pace...ha!

Jane said...

Best of luck this weekend!

S. Baboo said...

Great job on the PR!

FunFitandHappy said...

Great run - good job!

Lance Notstrong said...

Awesome PR!!! I need to do a 10K.....I've done a marathon, 1/2 marathon, and 5k but never the 10k. I'm sure it's a totally different kind of suffering. Good job :-)

Oly said...

way to go speedy.

Gail said...

holy crap! i had no idea you had a blog that existed for this long! haha! mine is so new. congrats on all the marathons! someone needs to push my brother. he was supposed to do his tri yesterday and rescheduled. hahaha! whatever. i'm gonna miss you!!!

Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

Congrats on the PR.... and you celebrate like me. Adult Beverages :-)

Way to go!