in the heck have I been? Lost, procrastinating, lazy, or just blowing it off. Training that is. Is this bad? Could be, with Disney 1/2 Marathon in about 4 weeks and my runs have been short to non-existent!! Not only has it been seriously Hot here in Sin City, although that could be just an excuse being as Formulaic and Stef are out training but work has been pretty busy and quite honestly I have been enjoying my time off.
I know I can't stay off forever and I need to get back on the game but for some reason the summer has cooked my motivation. On another note, I am scheduled to take my NV. Chiropractic Exam next month and that has a little bug in the back of my mind saying I need to get in gear and study!
So for the mean time I am enjoying it day by day and things are working for the better which is all anyone could ask for. Well we could always ask for more but then we usually find our selves asking for too much!
I can say today that all is good and JT is in much better mood and spirits thanks to certain aspects in life.
Way to go! Study for the exam. About time, you earned the title Dr. JT! (again!).
We'll be waiting for you when, you're ready to train. Hopefully you're getting slower and we are getting faster.
after im, your body and your mind need a little break - its natural. don't worry, you'll be back at it.
good luck on the exam! are you staying in LV now?? i thought you were moving? i'm so behind the times.
JT I think you are smart to focus on the exam! Pass that sucka with flying colors.
Have fun at the Half Mary too . . . no worries there, just run your own race and have FUN! Yeah. I said that twice.
Anyway, I have to agree with Form in that we will be here when you are ready to train AND hopefully you are getting slower while we get faster. :-)
Hee hee.
"Doctor" JT....
Relax, man - IMAZ09 is a long way off....
glad that you are feeling beter!
stay busy!
take care
glad things are going better! :)
OK JT-back on the horse now! good luck on your exam!!
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