Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Confused lifting and moving on.

After settling back into things and getting back to the gym all seems to be going well. I do seem to be a little off focus in the gym but I know what I do when I get there but the feeling of walking in and not really knowing what I want to do is something I don't want to get in the habit of so I have been working on my workout routine along with my train up for my Ultra starting with PF Chang's Marathon on Jan 17th. Looks like the Formulaic will be in tow for this line up, and being as he does have the faster marathon time in an Ironman and stand alone between the two us, it just might be Game on! Remember what I learned from IMCZ..!!!

On another note, business wise. After coming back from IMCZ and San Fran I got to my office where I share/rent space from another doc and was told immediately that we had to get out because he was behind several months on the rent! Although my financial arrangement with him has been in my favor and being as I have not made that much money lately. The worst part has just been looking for a new place relatively quickly so that I can continue to provide my sports services and my new fascial stretch therapy to the lower body.

So far things are looking up as I have officially cleared out of that office and am in finally negotiations for a new location office which will help me in many ways as well as help the other doctor. I am excited!!



teacherwoman said...

Glad to hear things are looking up!

Formulaic said...

So by learning, you mean no waiting for friends?

Even if I am really slow??

Will you at least have a beer waiting for me at the finish line?

Trishie said...

I don't know what to do at the gym either ! ...

Tea said...

I can't relate to your issue with the other doctor. We're in a similar situation.

Have fun in the gym though. I'm sure you'll settle into a workout very soon. :)

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