Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas all!!

Saturday was the long run of 13 and I finished at 2 hrs. 27 mins, about 5 mins short of my Vegas 1/2 time. Overall, it was a good run with not running that long since Dec. 2. I was definitely tired and sore afterwards, but the cold bath and some secret sports doc stuff got me ready for the ride on Sunday with none on there than FORMULA-IC, fellow blogger, and his lovely new wife.

I met da Form at his house and we all left from there with a nice easy ride to get to the trail and then it was pretty much on. The trail is great! Closed to all traffic and about 5` wide and asphalt, pretty smooth. Now there was some serious hill climbers here and I know I will be seeing this route many more times in training. Really, at one point, I didn't think I was going to make it to the top of one of the hill's! Shit! HR totally pounding, suckn for O2!! it was great!

As we rode on I took some pictures at one of your turn around, that's Form.. in da white..

Of course I had to do the Self pic while riding! HA!.

Today, was a nice 1200 m swim and some weights, seems like I am finally getting on a schedule.



CoachLiz said...

I am glad the bike ride Kicked Your Butt! You needed a wake up call and you got it. By the way, love your vest!!!

Merry Christmas buddy, chat with you later.


Andra Sue said...

Merry Christmas, JT! Congrats on your good run and ride. :)

S. Baboo said...

Some of Silverman is on those bike paths, serious hills!

Merry Christmas!

Bigun said...

looks like a cool riding route...I still can't believe you told on me....

Di said...

I heard you've been crying like a leetle girly boy to Liz....

Bigun said...

I never noticed the cycling gay!

The Stretch Doc said...

oh damn.. you didnt Bigun..

there is nothing Gay about TNT!!

u askn for T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!


CoachLiz said...

Nothing lame or gay about working with others to be able to find a cure for blood related cancers by 2015.

I've been asked to race on shop teams and I have had to turn them down. It would mean I would have to quit wearing my TNT gear to race in. I have to keep people aware of this issue. I have to do it for my honored Teammates Jonathan, Bill, and Chad who are in remission right now. I have to do it for my Mom who lost her battle in 2002. I have to do it to get others to join MY TEAM.

Every 5 minutes, someone is diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma, myloma, or another blood-related cancer and every 10 minutes someone dies from one of these diseases. Remember, it is not too late to make a tax-deductible donation to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for 2007. Think of all the children and adults who you would be helping.

You ROCK JT for being part of my TEAM.

The Stretch Doc said...

no worries CoachLiz.. dat bigun tryn to poke fun of JT for wearn Vests..
little does every1 know, he secretly owns several and dances joyishly when Di is not around, HA!

rockon` bro...

momo said...

happy new year jt! that trail looks great - ironshane, tri-dogmom and i might have to make a trip up there to ride with you before cda!

Formulaic said...


Great ride! Let me know the next time you want me to slow you down and screw your planned training schedule!

Looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Born To Endure said...

Happy New years to you...