Thursday, July 30, 2009

Enjoying Taper.

With the start of Taper on Sunday it has been an easy week for sure, maybe too easy. I understand that you cut back your training volume but, humm.. you don't stop your training volume as I have seemed to have done over the last 4 days! So today, I will be 100% hitting the gym for some run time and weight time.

In other great news, I have been keeping busy on the personal work experience. I have my office officially set up, business cards are in and I have seen a couple of patients! It's slow now but hey, I am just starting out in the last 2 weeks so what can say. Rome wasn't built in a day. But in the mean time check out It's the start of my web site and although it's pretty basic it is getting the idea across and at least there is some place to go when people ask me if I have a web site, other than this fabulous Blog of mine.

I can't believe next week is the 50 mile run!!!

Okay, I gotta get back to working..



Stef0115 said...

Ha! Your taper sounds like my tapers. I love to do nothing. A little toooo much.


Lindsay said...

i have the opposite problem. i get depressed over the lack-of-miles during a taper and semi-run them anyway... oops.

glad the chiro business is taking off!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, a "real" site for the practice is probably a good plan... although patients might be interested in hearing about your training experiences!

Like Lindsay, I have a hard time with lowering miles during a taper!

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it