Feb, 19, 2007. Not sure if you know but today although called President's Day is officially Washington's Birthday, sort of.
George was born Feb 22, 1732 according to the calendar used since mid-18th century. By the 19th century Americans were celebrating his birthday as a National Holiday. They used to give big parties and have speech's from prominent figures.
Then President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated and his birthday was officially celebrated the following year, who was also born Feb. 12th. Although, at first Lincoln's birthday did not become a Federal holiday like Washington's, it did become a legal holiday in certain states.
So in 1968, legislation (HR 15951) was enacted that affected several federal holidays. Washington's Birthday, was shifted to the third Monday in February each year whether or not it fell on the 22nd. This started in 1971 (my birthday year), was designed to simplify the yearly calendar of holidays and give federal employees some standard three-day weekends in the process (imagine that).
Apparently, the holiday in February is still officially known as Washington's Birthday, it has become popularly known as "President's Day." This has made the third Monday in February a day for honoring both Washington and Lincoln, as well as all the other men who have served as president.
OK, I really didn't know all that, had some help looking it up. But nice to know why your off today if you are.
On to training. I got my 850y swim in this morning with an upper body workout. Then got home and fought with the damn lawn mower to get it started. Mowed my grass which has now caused my back to become sore. So I will give it a couple hours rest and then jump on the bike trainer.
I did not make it to the TriVillage triathlon seminar on transition, I was lazy and over slept the time, hey come on, that thing was at 8am! And if I'm not out training that early, I'm sleeping, Who's with me on that one?
C-ya all later. .have a great afternoon and evening!
Prince's halftime imagery questioned
By JAKE COYLE, AP Entertainment Writer Tue Feb 6, 11:16 PM ET
NEW YORK - In the sensitive post-wardrobe malfunction world, some are questioning whether a guitar was just a guitar during Prince's Super Bowl halftime show.
Prince's acclaimed performance included a guitar solo during the "Purple Rain" segment of his medley in which his shadow was projected onto a large, flowing beige sheet. As the 48-year-old rock star let rip, the silhouette cast by his figure and his guitar (shaped like the singer's symbol) had phallic connotations for some.
A number of bloggers have decried "Malfunction!" — including Sam Anderson at New York magazine's Daily Intelligencer. Daily News television critic David Bianculli called it "a rude-looking shadow show" that "looked embarrassingly rude, crude and unfortunately placed." CBS spokesman Dana McClintock said Tuesday that the network has received "very few" complaints on Prince's performance.
But this time, it was the NFL that produced the halftime show (MTV had in 2004). Spokesman Greg Aiello said the league has received no complaints. "We respect other opinions, but it takes quite a leap of the imagination to make a controversy of his performance," Aiello said. "It's a guitar."
The majority of the reaction to Prince's performance has been laudatory, including positive reviews from The Associated Press, the New York Times and USA Today — all of which noted the lack of controversy in this year's halftime show. AP Entertainment Writer Douglas J. Rowe wrote: "He delivered one of the best Super Bowl halftime shows — ever."
Anyway, I did happen to not go to my scheduled workouts but I really must get this stuff down, feel comfortable and confident with it so my workout will just have to wait a day or so. Not like I am going to totally regress or something in a week, probably will do my body good resting.
Oh and as a break I been reading this book, actually, I started reading it Thursday and finished 1/2 of the book (it's 2 stories, one on the right side of pages, the other on left side) and completed it last night. I was totally hooked on how this lady named Michelle had to earn a Million Bucks Cash in 90 days! That's right, 90 days! So now I am reading the left side of the book which talks about the principles of being able to earn a million.
I will update once I fully finished, great right side story though.