Saturday, February 03, 2007

I got TAGGED...

So here are 6 weird things about me, if you think there weird.. 1) Have to have my own bathroom hand towel. 2) I like Allez, have to have shirts colored and whites separated in the closet. 3) I shave my legs. 4) I for some reason memorize great movies, guess, cause I watch them so much. 5) I like to listen to Spanish music even though I don't really understand or speak Spanish. 6) My SUV has to stay Clean! and up next on the Tagged block is SkiRough, IM ABLE, Mr. BigBike, IronSnoopy, Sarah-Saroy, and good ol' Steven.

1 comment:

momo said...

i shave my legs too! i don't think that's wierd at all.. ;-)