Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas all!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007
I'm still here..
Training this week as been much better than anything in the last 3 weeks. I was able to complete 1 mile time trial run @ 8:26, tempo run, long run 13 mi (today) 2 swims and 1 bike. This coming week with being off Christmas Eve and Day I will be able to get some good training in as well as next week I am off New Years Eve/Day as well. Overall I have revamped my nutrition with totally cleaning up, going very lean. I am on a plan to get to 200 lbs by Jan. 10th. at currently weighed in today at 205 lbs. so should be close but doable!
Now below is some pictures from my last bike ride out at Red Rock Canyon, nice huh! A little cold though as it will be today on my run at a nice 43*.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
words from The ROCK....

Sunday, December 09, 2007
freakn` Miami...
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Welcome to Miami...
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Only in Vegas..
Friday, November 30, 2007
its BloggerVille n Sin City..
Friday, November 23, 2007
Hey, its Sin City...and new IMAZ race..
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I'm back baby!.. well kinda of..
Left Vegas on Weds (a week ago). and flew to H-twn. where I met up with Coach Liz at the airport, there was about an hour layover there and then it was off to Tampa. Got to Tampa with a nice aircraft carrier landing but not to worry all wheels were on the ground. Once outta the airport we picked up the rental pimpn` van and it was off to the townhouse in Clearwater. Being as it was about 8pm it was dark out so could not see too much of Tampa driving out to Clearwater but we found the twn-hse and can you say P-H-A-T! das right, phat!! This place was basically 4 stories with an elevator from the garage to the roof where da hot tub waz! Nice huh. Once scouting out the rooms and dropping our stuff off it was time to get back to the airport to pick up Geoff, it was an out and back trip with a quick stop at the store.
Next morning it was up and adam with blueberry pancakes and eggs by none other than Liz., score! Then it was off to go by at pick up Mitch and David but first we stopped by the first of a couple of expo tents and being as I was driving I dropped liz and geoff off with the intention of finding the registration/packet pickup and NOT hitting any goodies! Right! I was totally PUNK`D on that one as 20 mins later I pick them up and they both proceed to show-n-tell JT all da shit they just bought. Ohhh nelly... now for the next couple of hours JT had sum serious wine and cheese..
After picking up Mitch and David we found the expo and they all got checkn` in. It was a pretty good expo and I ended up with new helmet, pair of socks and long sleeve training shirt. We then dropped everything at the twn-hse. and went to lunch. By this time, Bigun, was on his way and he pick me up from the lunch spot and off we went to his casa.
Once at da hacienda de Bigun/Di it was totally chill time. Bigun was feeling a little sick so we just drank beer, snacked on chips, and Di totally cooked an awesome dinner!! It was so great to hang out with these two and enjoy there company. In the morning I was up before da Bigun had the coffee ready so that gave me time to hit da shower and get ready, then it was joe time and it was some gooood joe! After breakfast Bigun had to get to work and Di took me back to the twn-hse. Once back it was time to go with Liz down to the beach where she had profile interview with NBC TV as a feature athlete. She was basically asked a series of questions and then some pictures were taken and was told they would be shooting footage of her during the race. How cool is that!!
Saturday morning Race Day! I was up with the crew and walked down to body marking. Then they went into transition and I was running all over trying to get pics. I was in a good couple of locations to see the pro's start and as they entered T1 and headed to change tents. After a while when everyone was on the bike I walked back to the twn-hse to watch some coverage via web, get some food and relax for about an hour then I went back down to see the pro's finish and wait for da peeps to come in and head out on the run.
It was a long day and everyone did a great job. Later we went to the award banquet and I was able to sneak in which was great because they were sold out of tickets. It was a great awards presentation and even the parents of the Blazeman places his ashes in the ocean as a tribute, it was pretty awesome! Then it was back to the twn-hse and the peeps were in party mode. We drank for a while and then they hit da hot tub. I was a nice dude and kept refilling the beer while they were rehydrating! During this time there was some pretty funny stories told and some interesting racing tips came out.. as well as a new nick name for Mitch.. aka Sponge Water..!! if you know him, just ask..lol.. Seems like every time there is a group of us.. someone gets a nickname.!
Sunday was pack up time and go home. Got back to Houston in the afternoon, had dinner at Cafe Express, watched Ricky Bobby, too funny and we went to bed.
Monday it was time to hit the road for Dallas as I had a lunch time with Allez and none other than LanceNotStrong! Allez picked a great mexican place and it was great to hang out, meet Lance and just take time off from the road. Once that was over it was back on the road towards Santa Fe, NM. By the time I got there I was not feeling good and thought maybe it was because of all the traveling. Bed time it was once talking with Grandpa.
Tuesday, holy shit, I was sick as a motha` had a fever of 101.5 and was totally wiped out. Gpa got me some medicine and I slept all day long which was good cuz JT's head was pounding like a mike tyson just smackd it before the ear biting days. Fever broke at night and by Wednesday I was feeling much better, enough so to go bowling with Gpa (80yrs.) whipped my ass in 3 straight games! Go Grandpa! Thursday I pretty much rested again all day as the ass whoopn by Gpa had wore me out and I was feeling a little run down.
Friday it was time to head out to go meet Sweet Baboo and Geekgirl. I had to leave Gpa behind and thank him so much for taking care of me, getting food, watching my tv's shows over his and just being a great Grandpa.. I love you Gpa!..
We met for dinner at a great India restaurant and the food was awesome. Now Baboo just came off of Silverman and had to catch the scope on this race as it is in my back yard nowadays. It was great to meet them and talk about the Bigun, (yes, we made fun of you!) and how great of a cook Di is (yes, you cook awesome!) I can't wait for Baboo and Geekgirl to come to Vegas!! I gotta get da house ready! yikes! Thanks for the dinner you two and see ya in a couple of weeks.
I then headed to my cuzins house and spent the night there. Today, it was back on the road and rolled into Sin City once again after a 1500 mile road trip, that's 3000 miles of driving in a month!
So take a look at the pics on the side bar and enjoy! Sunday is recovery time and still trying to shake this last little bit of a cough/cold, sucks!
glad to be back`
Monday, November 12, 2007
I'm bak but gotta keep rolln
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I'm Off...
Sunday, November 04, 2007
training and some Kool Bloggerville stuff!
I have been talkn with Sweet Baboo as we were talkn` about the Santa Run coming up here in Vegas and he stated that he was thinking about coming out and then running the Vegas Marathon the next day (you know him, he a maniac!) so it was great to invite him and Geek Girl out to say at Motel de JohnnyTri.. so it looks like da Santa run has become the Blogosphere Santa Smack-down run (per S.Baboo)..Ha! and with that let's see if MoMo will come up, Mo? and who else wanna get in on da Smack-down?
Now with that being planned and S.baboo and Geek Girl headn to Sin City I had to confirm there reservation at Motel de JohnnyTri with the following:
Motel de JohnnyTri Reservation Confirmation
Confirmation Number: YouRAweSome07
Guest Name: Sweet Baboo and Geek Girl
Arrival Date: Friday, November 30, 2007
Departure Date: Sunday, December 2, 2007
Guarantee Type: Because your both are IM'ers!
Number of Adults: 2
Number of Rooms: 1
Room Description:
Note: Customer preferences and room types are forwarded to JohnnyTri with the reservation, but are not guaranteed until check-in. Alcohol consumption may be required during your stay either pre or post race festivities or just for the hell of it.
Rate Information:
Fri, Nov 30 $friendship/laughs and smack talkn to Bigun..USD
Sat, Dec 1 $More smack/talkin`/more laughs.. USD
Total $see above USD
*NOT including taxes of: pictures to be taken` at any time (subject to change)
Guarantee Policy:
Reservations made through the Motel de JohnnyTri must be held for late arrival by an accepted type of guarantee.
Cancellation Policy:
If cancellation is necessary, to avoid being totally made fun of on Blogspot, by not only JohnnyTri but any other blogger and every other way possible you must cancel and receive a cancel number prior to 6:00 PM Pacific on the arrival date. Cancel times and dates may vary by JohnnyTri especially on Special Events, Holidays and/or weekends. Contact the reserved Motel de JohnnyTri explaining your reason to wimp out, why you should not be made fun of, any x-rays showing broken bones will only be accepted as a doctors excuse, any other poor excuse you can come up with and why you cannot represent yourself in a Clydesdale manner.
To view or cancel your reservation online is simply not possible, so just be there!
If you have any further questions please see Cancellation Policy.
It will be a blast and looking forward to having fun at those two events. Also this week JT, is heading out to Clearwater, Flordia to meet up with the Bigun and Di and get a look the "superior" status this guy is claming, ha! And am looking forward to the World 70.3 Championship and the entire event.
ps. if you wish to make a reservation at Motel de JohnnTri please read the Cancellation Policy and contact directly and most important.. don't be skeard!!
Friday, November 02, 2007
upcoming stuff..

Monday, October 29, 2007
Blog Family..the best!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
a change of venue..

So with the new relocation comes new training territory! So here is my lastest, today, run of 8 miles around the area! HFS! there is a huge change in elevation here from H-twn and although this was my second run of the week I did feel a little dizzyness as I first started but it went away after the 3rd mile.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
TX. Tri Race recap

Monday, October 22, 2007
race recap to come.. But can you guess..
I will post race recap later.... But finished this Olympic in 3 hours 21 mins... just say I am tired and ready to rest! whew...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
For now..
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Lance Armstrong in da HOUSE!!
Now that is a Rockon` day!
and now you know why I don't feel bad about leaving her when I went down the front of the building.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
a new PR! with some Help.
Once there we got the instructions and took off. In my little pack of runners was Geoff, Liz, and Lauren. Well it didn't take long before Geoff decided to Blast off and he was gone, dropping us like a wet dirty rag. Liz stayed with us on and off for a while but she was working through some of the other runners and checking on them. Lauren and I were running and chatting and after making one of the turn around just after 2 miles out we had been running around 9:30/mi pace, which was great! HR was doing good (cooler weather helps JT out big time!) Then we rolled pasted the 4.5 mile mark and the run course changed to a few short but steep hills and so I would attack them hard and then Lauren would fly down the backside of those hills and pass me every time. I just couldn't seem to run that fast down hill. Finally, around 5 miles Lauren asks for the time and distance we're at says,.. WE are finishing this 10k under 60 mins! I say Shit as I recheck the distance and time. At 5 miles we are 50 minsish. So that's means we have to bust a 10min/mile back which wouldn't be that hard but we had already picked it up over those hills and were running like 9's. Well I didn't have too long to think about it because Lauren freakn' took off from the water stop we were just at like crazy yelling Move it!! Let's GO!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
some training and stuff..
and thanks to a cool front the morning temps as well as day temps are much better, whew, I mean it is October!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Birthday Liz and week recap.
Then Tuesday it was an easy run but didn't feel so easy as I streeetched it out some with a 7.25 miles. It was a little hot so this made it a little hard but got it done.
Wednesday was a nice little ride with Liz for about 30 miles and if you jump over and read her blog, don't even fall into that BS that she had to slow down and wait for me on several occasions, come on`..JT.. here! I just didn't want to lead.
Then Thursday was another hard ass run cause it was like 96* and just plain HOT! I ended up running about 6 miles but in those 6 I run some Hills, Fatleks, Intervals and just slow stuff with walking.
Then Friday Liz and I went out to twin lakes for some OWS and Geoff was supposed to met us there but got in late from out of town so we ended up getting 930 meters and I was able to use my wetsuit, although, it was freakn` hot, it was not as bad as it was the first time I tried it. So my 930 m swim was in 23 mins which is not bad but still a little slow.
Then Saturday it was so fukn Humid it was pathetic! but that didn't stop us from getting in 6.5 miles in before the running group. It was nice to be done with it as then I got coffee, went to my assigned water station, crankd` up da tunes and waited for the runners. And now for the epic day, Sunday. Today, was a nice little 56 mile bike ride out in Montgomery, which, I had planned on only doing 45ish but at my turn around point, Liz called me to ask where I was, Yes, I was ahead of her. So I said I would wait up and the ride a little more to the next little town where we were gonna meet up with the fast dudes, Geoff and Ryan. So when we got to the town those Bozo's had left and now I was at 30 miles so instead of doing out and back we just rode the loop. Once back at the car it was a quick change for a short brick to get the legs working and just at a mile we were done. One thing I noticed was that coming off the bike to run has not really bothered me and the legs seem to start working pretty fast and respond well. Other thing about today's ride was that I was pretty much all Zone 1 and Zone 2 which is totally awesome and if you are a quick thinker, Bigun, then based on that you will have known that I was bullshitting about waiting up for Liz as it was totally the other way around. OK, OK, I will say it, she is faster than me, period. But she cannot burn more Calories than me at the same distances and that drives her bonkers!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Cinco Ranch recap..
#24/54 Clyds Group
Swim : #47/54 - 11:17.8 time
T1: 2:13.8
Bike: #17/54 - 52:57.7 time - 21.5 mph
T2: 1:28.4
Run: #35/54 - 28:25.9 time - 9:28/M
Overall Time: 1:36:23.7
Better than Garim Data!! Hell Ya!!

Overall, it was a great race even if the swim was goofy. It tells me that I need more Swim practice if I expect to make CdA a descent showing. Bike was great as I felt good even in a high HR Zone and my run has come along ways as well. All that weekend training has been paying off and will need to continue to pay off as Canyon Lake is 4 weeks away!
At the end of the race I was able to meet up with PinkGuruGal and Jane and let me tell you, they are just the coolest gals and I am glad I know them and look forward to tracking there IM training for Austria over the next year!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
UPDATE:....It' so Yakima On!!
I am not too sure at this time and will wait for the real thing and see how it looks.
Now let's talk about what's up for Grabs for JT at this Cinco Ranch Sprint Triathlon this weekend.
I was told that if I can out right beat FNG, I win a Yakima Backswing 4 bike rack! Now this is going to take some serious strategy to win as my swim is about 2 mins slower than FNG and he is about 3 mins faster per mile on the run! But the bike I "think" I can out hold him by 3 mph. So after crunching the numbers it's going to come down to about 1-2 mins I need to pick up or he needs to lose! I was originally not going to go all out for this sprint but once the bike rack came into play I have thought differently. Overall, I need to bike 20-21mph and run 9:45ish to beat his scrawny ass. And I saw that because FNG only weighs about 14o so JT is 65 lbs heavier! I will try my best and hope for his worst. He does have a history of calf craps on the run after biking and that was with shorter 12 miles bikes, this race is 19 miles! No promises but just hammer down and go for it!
Now the down side right now is that I feel a cold coming on and took the afternoon off to try and get some rest and knock it out. I even bought all these natural products to help. All that means is not training for the next few days or until race day for that matter! Until then....