Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ironman Full MOOn approaching

As the day approaches for the Ironman Wisconsin I can only think of all the athletes that will be participating this weekend. With the full moon set to take place on Sept 7th and rain in the forecast the competitors have there work cut out for them. I will be thinking of all the trials and tribulations that they will endure (I'm jealous) and the stories that will be posted on the blogs. Most of all, I will be thinking that one day I too will be out there, with my family cheering and thinking back about the day I thought about the IMOO athletes in 2006. In the mean time, I will continue to train and work closer to getting myself ready. (oh yea and saving for that entry fee & travel expenses) With the weather beginning its cool down, if you call it that here in Houston, TX, it becomes more of an outdoor training season than a indoor gym season and that to me is just Bueno! Rockon`


Kate said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog :-) Good luck with your IM training! I look forward to following your IM story.

Iron Pol said...

Save fast. You just never know what curves will lead you to consider changing your plans. I was planning a 1/2 IM in 2007, while saving for a full in 2008. Roman's plans for Team raceAthlete have put me in the position of having to make a tough decision.

Pay for a race I can complete but can't really afford, or sit and watch people train for a race I should be running?